Vijay Soni
Paragliding Extraordinaire
Vijay is a leading figure in the Indian paragliding scene, consistently topping the paragliding circuit in India since 2018. His passion for flying began in 1990, and he started learning to paraglide in 1996. He has been competing internationally since 2002, participating in major events worldwide.
Over the years, Vijay has earned numerous podium finishes in both India and Europe. He is the only Indian pilot featured twice in Cross Country Magazine for his outstanding performance. In 2000, he became the first Indian pilot to achieve a cross-country flight of 64 kilometers, a milestone that generated significant excitement. In 2009, he further distinguished himself by completing a 100-kilometer FAI triangle, setting another pioneering benchmark in the sport.
In addition to his paragliding achievements, Vijay is an accomplished paramotor pilot and instructor. He won India’s first paramotor competition in 2001, showcasing his versatility in aviation sports.
Vijay began teaching paragliding in 1996 at Harley India Paraschool, India’s first official paragliding school with BHPA instructors. To date, he has trained thousands of students, including members of the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy.
In 2016, Vijay made history as the first Indian pilot to represent the country in an international accuracy competition and played a crucial role in introducing accuracy paragliding to India.
Driven by his vision to elevate India’s global presence in paragliding, Vijay initiated competitions in Kamshet in 2000, 2001, and 2002. These events sparked considerable enthusiasm and led the Himachal Pradesh government to start organizing their own competitions from 2002 onward.
In 2017, Vijay established his own paragliding school, "Orangelife," to develop pilots who can advance India’s international standing. His goal is to host more CAT 2 competitions in India, enabling pilots to earn WPRS points locally and enhance the competitive level while keeping costs manageable.

ACI License No : 20 | FAI License No : 182303 | FAI CIVIL ID : 4050
Flying Competitions since 2000
Paragliding Cross Country Pilot
Paragliding / Paramotor Instructor
Paragliding Accuracy Pilot
Paramotor Pilot

+100 km FAI Triangle : First Pilot to FLY 100.2 FAI Triangle In India @Yellagiri, Tamilnadu (2009)

Podium Finishes
Meet Director cum Technical organizer for Himachal Pre PWC
Team Manager of Team India at 3rd Asian in Linzhou, China
Task commiee member at compeons in Bulgaria and India
Indian Team Leader 13th FAI World Paragliding Championship, Sopot, Bulgaria
Meet Director cum Technical organizer Panchagini Open
Event Co-ordinator and Judge for first Indian CAT-2 Accuracy Championship, Sikkim, India
Technical adviser for Sikkim Paragliding Association
Chief Judge for first ever inter services Accuracy Paragliding Championship, Bir-Billing, Himachal, India
Event Judge and Technical Delegate for pre PGAWC accuracy Mizoram Open, Thus brought 3 successful Internaonal Acuuracy Compeon in India within 12 months
1) FAI Paragliding Pre Worlds 2018, Krusevo, Macedonia. 2018 (Ranked 17th out of 137 Parcipants)
2) Russian, Estonian & Krushevo Adventure Open 2018, Krusevo, Macedonia. 2018 (Ranked 8th out of ill parcipants)
3) Paragliding Asian Cup, Puncak, Indonesia 2017 (Ranked 7th overall, also test Event for PG Asian Games 2018)
4) 3rd FAl Asian Paragliding Accuracy Championship, Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan, 2016 (First Indian Pilot to take part in CAT - 1 Accuracy Paragliding Championship.)
5) Open FAI Il Roldanhillo Colombia. Roldanhillo, Colombia 2015 Ranked 51st overall)
6) 14th FAl World paragliding Championship, Roldanhillo, Colombia 2015 (Ranked 133th overall Only pilot to represent India.)
7) 13th FAl World Paragliding Championship, Sopot, Bulgaria. 2013 (Ranked Ist among India and overall 107th in compeon ranking.)
8) Paragliding World Cup South Africa Porterville 2013 (Ranked 106th out of 150 Parcipants)
9) Skynomad Open, Sopot, Bulgaria 2012 (Ranked 3rd. First ever Podium on foreign land)
10) Ukranian and Polish open, in Krushevo, Macedonia 2012 (Ranked 29th out of 150 Parcipants.)
11) Pre Worlds Sopot. In Sopot, Bulgaria 2012 (Ranked 11th)
12) Bulgarian All Paragliders Open Championship. in Kyustendil, Bulgaria 2012 (Ranked 11th)
13) 3rd FAl Asian Paragliding Championship in Linzhou, China 2012 (Ranked 2nd in India. 2nd consecutive me India Won 3rd Place as a Team.)
14) Czech Gradiant Open, in Sopot, Bulgaria, 2011 (Ranked 66th out of 147 Parcipants)
15) SkyNomad open, in Sopot, Bulgaria 2011 (Ranked 14th out of 76 Pilots)
16) 12th FAl World Paragliding Championship, Piedrahita, Spain 2011 (Ranked Ist among India and overall 66th in competition ranking. Best ranked ever before in world championship by any Indian pilot.)
17) SA Winelands Pre World Cup, in Porterville, South Africa. 2010 (First Indian Pilot to fly compeon in South Africa)
18) Paragliding Pre World Championship, in Piedrahita, Spain 2010
19) China PWC & Ist China Anyang Cup. In Linzohu China 2010
20) 2nd Asian Paragliding Championship 2010 - Nishiawa Japan. 2010 (Ranked 38th Overall, 4th in Indian | History - first ever TEAM INDIA podium finished in Internaonal CAT-1 event. 3rd Place, won Bronze Medal.)
21) Pre PWC Bayramoren & Turkish Naonals in Bayramoren, Turkey 2009
22) Pre Worlds Sopot. In Sopot, Bulgaria 2009 (Pre PWC Bayramoren & Turkish Naonals in Bayramoren, Turkey)
23) Russian Open Cup / Crisis Factor, in Sopot, Bulgaria 2009 (Ranked 42nd out of 85 Pilots.)
24) 1st Asian PG Championship in Hadong - South Korea 2004 (Ranked 69th Overall, 4th amongst Indian pilots)
25) Ranked 3rd, IndianOpen, Bir Billing, Himachal, India. 2018
26) National Ranked 3rd, overall 4th Panchagini Open, Panchagini, Maharashtra, India. 2018
27) Paragliding World Cup India, Bir-Billing. 2018
28) Pre Paragliding World Cup India 2013, Ranked 2nd in Indian Category 2013
29) Paragliding Internaonal Championship and Himalayan National Paragliding Championship Bir-Billing, Ranked ist in Both Open and Indian Category 2013 (History Made -First ever Indian to Win International competition in India)
30) Since2011- been in Top 3 Indian Pilots 2013
31) Been in Top 5 amongst Indian pilot. 2009-2010
32) Ranked in Top 10 Indian 2008
33) 05 Parcipated in Himachal Pre PWCs, Ranked in top 10 through out all events 2002
34) 1st rank in first ever Indian cross country paramotor competition by INPAF, Pune 2001
35) Parcipated in Indian National Paragliding Championship, Kamshet, Pune, Organised by Indian National ParaglidingFederaonINPAF. Ranked 1st in2001, 2002. 2000,2001,2002